
Doing things on the internet.

Change is a matter of priorities

“I cannot change myself. I am an old man! I know that I have my ways and shortcomings. But I have accepted the fact, and it is not possible to become someone I am not. That would be self-sabotage. You just come to terms with who you are, and embrace it.”

The above quote is something someone close to me said recently when he was confronted with some harsh but well founded criticism (it really was, and didn’t come from me. It was something spoken in the group of close people in which we held the talk). Quite frankly I was appalled by this statement and immediately rejected that line of thought. For me it is fundamentally untrue; something that I always knew to be false subconsciously but never could grasp as clearly as I can now. And as with so many things it boils down to priorities.

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ZFS all the things! Manually building a zpool on Linux from scratch

Eversince I started building my own homeserver and backup infrastructure, I’ve been a huge fan of the Zettabyte Filesystem, ZFS. It has been in development for quite a while, is considered incredibly stable, and offers all the features you’ll want in a filesystem for long-term file storage: built-in data compression, copy-on-write, snapshots, checksumming, block-level incremental send and receive functionality, etc.

Until recently ZFS was limited to Solaris and FreeBSD almost exclusively, however with the advent of the OpenZFS project and its intention of bundling efforts to provide stable ZFS support to a variety of operating systems there are more options available. At work I am tied to using Linux, and I recently (after a few months of distro-hopping) arrived back at a vanilla Ubuntu, which meant: ZFS support almost out-of-the-box, and I thought I’d give it a show in favor or my previous thumblings with btrfs. Since I forget quite quickly about how I go about such things, I thought about writing it down for future reference—and yours!

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40 Kilo altes Ich. Ein neuer Mensch in einem Jahr

Als wäre es so geplant. Das denke ich mir dieser Tage beim Gang auf die Waage. Es ist jetzt genau ein Jahr her, dass ich den Entschluss fasste, mein Leben zu ändern, mich gesünder zu ernähren und endlich abzunehmen. Das abzunehmen, was ich über Jahre hinweg mit mir herumgetragen habe und was mich immer belastet hat. Hier schrieb ich bereits (damals auf englisch) über meinen Weg über die ersten 100 Tage, doch ich möchte auch hier und heute von Anfang an rekapitulieren, wie es mir ergangen ist.

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